
Malaria: Is it taken for granted by Guyanese?

Talk to your doctor about how to prevent malaria while traveling. You may need to take prescription medicine before, during, and after your trip to prevent malaria, especially if you are visiting low-altitude areas. Areas of Guyana with risk of malaria: All areas. Rare cases in cities of Amsterdam and Georgetown.  The above information was taken from the website of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, under ‘Health Information for Travelers to Guyana.’ And there are many more websites and information centers that provide information for travelers, some organizations, especially the travel agencies even have departments set aside for this.  

Climate Change: Struggle of fishes

How do fishes breathe? Fishes breath by taking water through their mouths and ‘breathing’ it out through their gills. The gills are similar to our lungs; they contain numerous blood vessels with very thin walls i.e. capillaries. When the water passes over the thin walls of the gills, dissolved oxygen travels to the blood stream and carbon dioxide is released out into the water. Moreover, different fishes use different methods to obtain oxygen from water. For instance, sharks use a method of breathing called ‘ram ventilation’. In this process the sharks do not take the water into their mouths and breathe it out through their gills but the water passes through the gills as the shark swims through the water. Which means that they have to constantly keep moving otherwise they’ll suffocate.

Guyana: The Rise and Fall of Bauxite

Introduction Many centuries ago, Guiana’s hinterland was fabled to be a golden city called Manoa, with its king, El Dorado. The European nations heard of this myth that the golden city possessed “innumerable gold, silver, and emeralds somewhere along the Orinoco or in the uplands of the Guianas.” Even though the golden city was never found, Guiana did possess a lot of natural resources, however, one of the greatest natural resource discovery was that of bauxite.

Berbice qualify the unqualified

Does it pay to further your studies in Guyana? On second thought all you need to do is get ‘a link in the place’ or ‘use your rank’ instead of pursuing your diploma or degree.  Yes! Of course! That is a better option! Because it seems as though, even if you have all or most of the qualifications and experience you can’t get the job if you don’t have ‘links’ or ‘contacts’ as they call them in Berbice. The qualified are left without while the unqualified are getting the benefits…  *** 

The Spared Rod

Spare the rod and spoil the child, is a famous Guyanese proverb that originated from the Holy Bible.  Most use it because they understand the meaning and it applies to a situation while some use it because they hear others using it. Why am I using it? Let me stop beating around the bush!

Newspaper Column

I got into the old, raggedy car, the only one there. The driver’s face lit up when he saw me it was as if he was a beggar and I had just offered him a free meal. ‘Did you hear bout de Otisha story?’ he asked the young boy sitting in the seat next to his. ‘Yes! Ah hear and someone gimme a video that Travis Chase took! Wait! Lemme look fuh it!’ the boy said as he hurriedly unlocked his phone, and began searching for the video. By this time, the anger in me started to build up. I recall the night I saw the video, my friend forcefully made me watch it, I saw nothing more than a journalist abusing his power. I remember traveling in public transportation and walking around in various stores, that week, and all I recall was people, Guyanese, of all ages pouring out, over each other’s phone, laughing as the famous journalist, interviewed the popular transgender.